Com s’esbrava la mala llet, Antònia Carré-Pons
“Look at the mountain of the impeded ones that is here. They went out to take the fresh air”
Antònia Carré-Pons
I had never read Antònia Carré-Pons, so I decided to read her book Com s’esbrava la mala llet, published by Club Editor. Approaching her reading the stories published in this book is a good formula to know her as a writer.
I discovered a realistic but fun Antònia Carré. Although all the stories are carried out by characters pertaining to the third age, Antònia Carré treats universal subjects in their stories that are common to us all: the solitude, the love, the sex, the friendship, the death …
The writer uses the narration of scenes that our elders could live, as an excuse to make us reflect on a deeper vision of life. Antònia is dedicated to narrating the experience of her characters starting from small everyday scenes: a dance, the father who receives the visit of his son in the residence, some last moments of life leaving unfinished a manual work … In short, little things of the daily life that could live any of our elders, and what are those experiences that make us think about the deeper issues that concern us all.
I liked reading Antònia Carré-Pons for several reasons: first the narrated stories: neither sweetened nor mythologized but real with a very interesting reflective point of view; Secondly, I have discovered an author who will read again as soon as she has the chance, and third, the “pocket edition” of Club Editor, makes reading a practical one to take anywhere, so that you can read comfortably in short urban trips such as the train, the subway or the bus.
However, Com s’esbrava la mala llet can be difficult to read for people sensitive to the experiences of old age. Although that is precisely why I recommend reading it because the naturalness with which these experiences are narrated is what makes the book especially beautiful to read.
I would recommend reading to many people, but I want to focus my recommendation on caregivers of the elderly and children with elderly parents, since the empathy and openness with which the writer deals with the stories of each story will make us have a point of view much closer to the experiences that are experienced in this advanced age. I also recommend reading it, especially for the elderly, because it will steal an accomplice smile in each story and make them feel more accompanied by those who feel loneliness with more perseverance.