Cal Carré reopens its doors, but changes sector, they have delighted us with its pork and sausage "little ones", now it delights us with the most classic of literary delicatessens and becomes one of the new and most outstanding independent publishers of Catalonia. At the head of the publishing house, we find the writer and medievalist Antònia Carré-Pons, proud to give another life to the family business through this new business ...
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Umbriel Editores ( @umbrieleditores) has published in Spanish the international best-seller Ariadne written by the British Jennifer Sain Jennifer Saint ( Jennifer Saint has felt a great fascination for ancient Greek mythology that she studied classical literature at King's College, London. She served as an English teacher for thirteen years and shared her passion for literature and creative writing with her students. She is currently considered one of the ten best-selling ...
Read MoreUmbriel Editores has published in Spanish "A deadly education" by Naomi Novik, a book that is the first volume of a trilogy, perhaps for this reason this first book has the aftertaste of presenting a plot much more complex and greater than the one we read in this story introduction to the world that Naomi Novik proposes us. In "A deadly education" we are going to meet a girl who has ...
Read More"The invisible life of Addie Larue" written by V.E.Schwab (published in Spain by Umbriel Editores) tells the story of a girl who makes a pact with the devil and during the five hundred pages of the book, the story is limited to a tug of war between both components of the pact, causing the novel to become repetitive in some sections. Yes, it is true, that the narrative style of ...
Read MoreLas cenizas de la inocencia, by Fernando Benzo (Plaza & Janes, 2019), is a thriller book written in the purest hardboiled style of the North American 1930s. In this slowly narration, Fernando Benzo takes us into Madrid in the 1940s, in an environment of gangsters, jazz and mafias that could well have escaped from a black film movie of the 1950s due to the images that the narrative gives us. ...
Read MoreIn Autumn I always feel like reading some mystery and horror. This year I have enjoyed several readings of the genre. Among all the stories read I want to highlight, for its brevity, the petite nouvelle Olalla by Robert Louis Stevenson, published in Catalan by the Vienna Petits Plaers Collection (Vienna Edicions) and in Spanish by Ediciones Invisibles, also in its Pequeños Placeres collection. For my reading, I have chosen the ...
Read MoreEdicions Viena surprised us all with the publication of “Petits Plaers" a new collection of short novels, from classic authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a totally cured and transportable edition everywhere, that surely will be love at first glance for the most bibliophiles and demanding readers. Among these classic authors, we find the Japanese author Junichirō Tanizaki (1886-1965) one of the Asian authors who combines most ancient Japanese ...
Read More"The distance between the mystery and the secret is the same as that between curiosity and pain" Àlvar Masllorens Discover In daddy's arms of Álvaro Massllorens, published by La Temeraria Editorial, has been a pleasant surprise. It is always interesting to read and meet new writers with literary warmth. First of all, I must say that the books of La Temeraria Editorial, always call my attention already, due to the careful edition of ...
Read More"Look at the mountain of the impeded ones that is here. They went out to take the fresh air" Antònia Carré-Pons I had never read Antònia Carré-Pons, so I decided to read her book Com s'esbrava la mala llet, published by Club Editor. Approaching her reading the stories published in this book is a good formula to know her as a writer. I discovered a realistic but fun Antònia Carré. Although all the ...
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